Continuous Level Measurement Instead of Float Switches
Switching from float devices to a modern solution with the 26 Y KELLER Level Transmitter
provides a continuous measuring system to control wastewater levels.
Inefficient Wastewater Level Measurement System
The customer needed a wastewater level measurement system, which was initially solved
with floating switches. Switch one would cause the tank to fill when the level dropped to
a minimum, switch two would stop filling the tank at maximum level, whereas switch three
acted as an alarm not to refill the tank.
Taking the Shortcut
Instead of using several floating devices, the company opted for the 26 Y KELLER Level
The main advantages of hydrostatic measurement compared to float switches in an
The main advantages of hydrostatic measurement compared to float switches in an
application with wastewaters are:
- Hydrostatic level sensors do not detect foam as a level of liquid (as it is the case with ultrasonic sensors), and therefore provide precise level values
- No false signals because of no mechanical parts inside
- Continuous measurement
- Level values can be read off a display
Sewage i Pumping Stations Equipped with Continuous Measuring System to Control Level
in Wastewater Capacity
Example of Wastewater Capacity with Level Measuring Systems
Used KELLER Products
Direct product links
Level Transmitter Series 26 Y
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